Roly-Poly bugs are so much fun and they have so many different names! We discovered that in order to find the sow bugs we had to look in dark, moist places. We had a blast turning over logs, checking under rocks, and watching the pill bugs run or roll away!
I wonder, why do the potato bugs roll up into balls? To avoid being eaten by frogs, lizards or little kids! It doesn’t always work, but their hard shell does offer some protection when they are rolled up.
Did you know that wood lice have 14 legs?
That is a lot of legs! We lined up to see what 14 legs looks like. On Tuesday we needed every wonder bug and a couple of adults to get to 14 legs. I wonder, what would it would be like to try walking with 14 legs?See how many places you can find isopods at home in your yard and sing the Roly-Poly Bug song while you are at it! And, check out these sites for more fun you can do with these bugs at home:
Roly-Poly Bug
By Miss Tara Von Dollen
(Tune: I’m a Little Teapot)
By Miss Tara Von Dollen
(Tune: I’m a Little Teapot)
I’m a roly-poly bug with many names.
Here is my hard shell.
Here are my 14 legs.
When you reach to touch me I stop, drop, and roll,
Into a little ball, down in the hole.
Here is my hard shell.
Here are my 14 legs.
When you reach to touch me I stop, drop, and roll,
Into a little ball, down in the hole.
Have a ball!
~Miss Tara
~Miss Tara

Saturday September 24, October 22 & November 19
9:30 -10:45 am
Join us for weekend Wonder Bugs familyhttp://www.naturenet.com/alnc/wonderbugspreschoolprogram.htm days we will explore, sing, and craft the day away to a different nature topic each month. You won't want to miss out on the opportunity to share the Wonder Bugs experience with your whole family! Appropriate for children 2-5 years accompanied by an adult.
ALNC Members: $6/child; Non-Members: $7/child
Click here to find out more or to register!
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