Oh deer me! The fun that we had today was out of control- as were our somewhat floppy antlers. We got to feel real antlers, wrap up in a deer skin, and make tracks outside in the mud with a deer leg. Did you know that deer walk on two toe nails per foot? I wonder what that feels like. It makes pretty neat tracks!
We learned that there are different members of the deer family like elk, moose, caribou and reindeer. The Deer Family (Zoobooks) by Timothy Levi Biel has great pictures of different deer as well as descriptions about what makes a deer a deer. Some of us practiced matching the antlers with the correct deer; it looked pretty silly to see moose antlers on a white-tailed deer!
Another series of stories deer to me is “In the Woods” by Carl R. Sams II and Jean Stoick. Each of the three stories depicts deer on seasonal adventures. We started to read Stranger in the Woods today in class. As the deer walk through the woods they encounter other woodland animals talking about the stranger. Read it to find out who the stranger is! Apparently there are movies, too. Click here to see more.
Well deeries, it is time to go. Enjoy the holiday break and see you next year!
Miss Tara

Package price for all 6 Winter Wonder Bugs sessions (choose Tuesdays or Wednesdays)ALNC Members: $33/child; Non-Members: $39/child (When registering on-line list "Winter Session" as event/program name and and "Tuesday" or "Wednesday" as the date)Prices for Wonder Bugs for all individual sessions:
ALNC Members: $6/child; Non-members: $7/child
Registration Form

Tuesday, January 10 & Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Registration Deadline: Friday, January 6, 2012
Winter is a good time for napping, especially if you’re a black bear! "Cub" and find out something surprising! No bear bones about it- this day will be den-tastic!
Registration Form
Tuesday, January 24 & Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Registration Deadline: Friday, January 20, 2012
"Wood" you believe that the groundhog is “chuck” full of surprises? "Wood" you come down for songs, crafts, and a chuck-load of fun? I hope to see your shadow while we learn about all things groundhog.
Registration Form
Tuesday, February 14 & Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Registration Deadline: Friday, February 10, 2012
While the snow is stacking! Discover what it’s like to walk in someone else’s shoe (prints). Practice counting the toes- they always knows- and you’ll be able to guess the animal who walked there since.
Registration Form
Tuesday, February 28 & Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Registration Deadline: Friday, February 25, 2012
For birds of prey, this is a delicacy in the winter! Explore the predatory world of raptors in winter. Songs and games are sure to keep you roasty toasty.
Registration Form
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