Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring is Winging it's Way to ALNC!

Spring to Your Senses
Scavenger Hunt

It will officially be spring in only six days!! Get geared up for spring with a spring nature walk and scavenger hunt! Click here to download a copy of this checklist! Take a spring nature walk. As you walk, look all around you.  Look low deep in the dirt and high in the trees--what do you see? Try to find the following things. As you find them, check them of the list. Depending on where you live, you may not be able to find everything, but see how many you can find.

  Things to find/see:

A tree with blossoms on it
      What color are they?___________
A tree with new leaves
A tiny wildflower
      What color is it?_______________
  A taller wildflower
      What color is it?_______________
A weed
Two things that are different
      shades of green
An ant
A bee
A worm
A bird
A bird’s nest
Something moving in the breeze
Some mud

  Things to feel:
Something warm from the sun
Something cool in the shade
Something moist or wet
Something soft or smooth
Something rough
A flower petal
      How does it feel?_______________

  Things to smell:
A wildflower
The grass

  Things to hear:
The wind rustling the leaves or grass
A bird chirping
Water running
A frog or toad