Celebrate Father's Day Weekend with the Aldo Leopold Nature Center at a special Wonder Weekend all about fish! In addition to exploration of new interactive exhibits, this weekend will include:
Saturday, June 16
Fly-Fishing: How Climate Change Is Affecting Trout Fishing in WI
11 am - 4 pm
This captivating video will use breathtaking footage to show out how climate change will affect Wisconsin's 10,266 miles of trout streams, tourism, and fly fishing in the Driftless Area and throughout the state.
Flow: Science On a Sphere Presentation
11 am - 4 pm
Travel on a virtual trip exploring oceanic thermohaline circulation - the system of global ocean currents that cycle warm and cold water across the planet with this special presentation on the Science On a Sphere.
Lake-Atmosphere Interactions in the Great Lakes Basin
2:00-2:45 pm
Katie Holman, PhD student in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of Wisconsin, will discuss lake-atmosphere interactions in the Great Lakes Basin. Learn about climate in the region, how the lakes and atmosphere interact, water budget of the lakes, and more!
Sunday, June 17
Family Fishing Fun
9:30-11:30 am
Fishing was one of the activities most enjoyed by Aldo Leopold as a youngster; join us to learn why in this introduction to angling! You'll see examples of different types of rods and reels, play the Backyard Bass fishing game to practice casting, learn how to tie basic fishing knots, and catch worms to use as bait as you fish in our pond! Can you reel in the biggest bullhead, bluegill or minnow?
Additional fee for this program: ALNC members: $6/person or $20/family; Non-members: $7/person or $25/family
Fly-Fishing: How Climate Change Is Affecting Trout Fishing in WI
Noon - 4 pm
This captivating video will use breathtaking footage to show out how climate change will affect Wisconsin's 10,266 miles of trout streams, tourism, and fly fishing in the Driftless Area and throughout the state.
Flow: Science On a Sphere Presentation
Noon - 4 pm
Travel on a virtual trip exploring oceanic thermohaline circulation - the system of global ocean currents that cycle warm and cold water across the planet with this special presentation on the Science On a Sphere.
Do Fishes Care About Climate Change?
John J. Magnuson, Emeritus Professor of Zoology and Limnology at the University of Wisconsin, will discuss how Wisconsin's lakes and fishes are affected by climate change.
A full schedule is available online at http://www.naturenet.com/alnc/wonderweekends.html.
Location: Aldo Leopold Nature Center, 330 Femrite Drive, Monona, WI 53716
Date/Time: Saturday, June 16, 11 am – 4 pm and Sunday, June 17, Noon-4 pm
Fee: $5.50/person; ALNC members receive free admission for three people.
Information/Register: www.naturenet.com/alnc or 608-216-9371
Hope to see you there!
Saturday, June 16
Fly-Fishing: How Climate Change Is Affecting Trout Fishing in WI
11 am - 4 pm
This captivating video will use breathtaking footage to show out how climate change will affect Wisconsin's 10,266 miles of trout streams, tourism, and fly fishing in the Driftless Area and throughout the state.

11 am - 4 pm
Travel on a virtual trip exploring oceanic thermohaline circulation - the system of global ocean currents that cycle warm and cold water across the planet with this special presentation on the Science On a Sphere.
Lake-Atmosphere Interactions in the Great Lakes Basin
2:00-2:45 pm
Katie Holman, PhD student in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of Wisconsin, will discuss lake-atmosphere interactions in the Great Lakes Basin. Learn about climate in the region, how the lakes and atmosphere interact, water budget of the lakes, and more!
Sunday, June 17
Family Fishing Fun
9:30-11:30 am
Fishing was one of the activities most enjoyed by Aldo Leopold as a youngster; join us to learn why in this introduction to angling! You'll see examples of different types of rods and reels, play the Backyard Bass fishing game to practice casting, learn how to tie basic fishing knots, and catch worms to use as bait as you fish in our pond! Can you reel in the biggest bullhead, bluegill or minnow?
Additional fee for this program: ALNC members: $6/person or $20/family; Non-members: $7/person or $25/family
Fly-Fishing: How Climate Change Is Affecting Trout Fishing in WI
Noon - 4 pm
This captivating video will use breathtaking footage to show out how climate change will affect Wisconsin's 10,266 miles of trout streams, tourism, and fly fishing in the Driftless Area and throughout the state.

Noon - 4 pm
Travel on a virtual trip exploring oceanic thermohaline circulation - the system of global ocean currents that cycle warm and cold water across the planet with this special presentation on the Science On a Sphere.
Do Fishes Care About Climate Change?
John J. Magnuson, Emeritus Professor of Zoology and Limnology at the University of Wisconsin, will discuss how Wisconsin's lakes and fishes are affected by climate change.
A full schedule is available online at http://www.naturenet.com/alnc/wonderweekends.html.
Location: Aldo Leopold Nature Center, 330 Femrite Drive, Monona, WI 53716
Date/Time: Saturday, June 16, 11 am – 4 pm and Sunday, June 17, Noon-4 pm
Fee: $5.50/person; ALNC members receive free admission for three people.
Information/Register: www.naturenet.com/alnc or 608-216-9371
Hope to see you there!
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