On a gray cloudy day like today, it is easy to imagine that Fall is a time for nature to rest. Gone are the colorful blooms of summer, the baby goslings have all grown and the green of summer has left us once again.
But like the farmers who are busy harvesting their end of season crops, the natural world is buzzing with activity this time of year! From beavers hurriedly gathering their winter stockpile of twigs and sticks to migrating birds beginning their journeys south, the work of the season has just begun!
So, venture outside today and challenge yourself to find the work of fall! Here are some things to look for:

- Red-winged blackbirds forming large flocks.
- Colorful asters and goldenrod blooming.
- Muskrats and beaver are busily gathering food and building lodges in preparation for winter.
- Listen close...do you hear anything? If not, that is because the katydids, grasshoppers and crickets. have stopped calling!
- Tamarack needles turning gold and falling.
- Black walnuts falling from the trees and squirrels stashing them away for a winter treat.
- Cattails and milkweed pods bursting with airy, floating seeds.
- Ducks, Canada geese, woodcock, and snipe migrating south.
- The Big Dipper at the lowest point in the sky.
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