Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New Auction Items Added!

As you probably know, our Pipers in the Prairie Online Silent Auction is now open for bidding! We have tons of exciting, one of a kind packages to choose from, featuring art, tickets, collectibles, sporting goods, gardening tools, gift certificates and more from over 100 local businesses and artists! 

The auction is open now until noon on Sunday, September 18.  We still have dozens of packages that haven't been bid on and we're adding new packages weekly, so bid today to get great deals on exclusive packages and support our children's educational programs here at the Aldo Leopold Nature Center.

Bidding is easy too! Just click here and you'll be directed to the auction site.  If you have questions, feel free to contact me at devcomm@naturenet.com or 608-216-9374.

Here are a few of the NEW packages we have just added:

Treat a new or expecting mother in your life with this wonderful package! She’ll enjoy an hour long massage from Belly, a massage therapy company based that specializes in pregnancy and postpartum massage to relieve stress and muscle tension, improve blood and lymph circulation, improve sleep and reduce anxiety. Then, she’ll celebrate the joy of the new addition to the family with "Baby's First Journal" by Clare Beaton, a colorful, scrapbook and journal to record all those memorable firsts! Also included in this package is a copy of "Welcome to the World: A Celebration of Birth and Babies From Many Cultures" by Nikki Siegen-Smith, a collection of poems and photographs to cuddle up and read with baby.

This original oil painting by Peter Lundberg, entitled "Last Light, Cherokee Marsh", is a magnificent portrayal of our Wisconsin terrain. The juxtaposition of a cool gray-blue sky, against the fiery yellow sunset contrasts with a simple and somber horizon line. Measuring 13"x15" in a beautiful ebony carved framed, it is a stunning, colorful testament to the beauty of Cherokee Marsh.

P.S. With such great deals, this is a terrific way to get an early start on your holiday shopping AND support ALNC! Bid today!