Dear Wonder Bugs,

We all know that crows can make loud, sometimes annoying sounds. We listened to crow sounds and discovered that they do more than caw. They make a rattle sound that reminded us of a woodpecker and they also make softer noises like coo-coo. It was great fun practicing the sounds while acting like crows! We pretended to be smaller birds (like sparrows) who “attack” crows in order to scare them away from their nests. The wonder bugs then formed a flock of crows to frighten the sleeping owl (me!) out of the tree.
Are you smarter than a crow? The wonder bugs certainly are! They showed their intelligence by working puzzles, playing crow memory, completing mazes, and sorting crows by size. It was impressive to see everyone working so hard on the activities! We also had fun pretending to build a crow’s nest and hatch some eggs. Crows are quiet once they have baby birds to feed so we stopped cawing for a few minutes at least.
This book is the one I wanted to read for snack but accidentally left at home. (My daughter pulled it from my stack and has been enjoying it quite a bit.) It is called Crow by Leo Timmers, and it teaches kids of all ages the importance of acceptance.
Mr. Nathan taught with me on Tuesday and took my place on Wednesday. He also helped take some pictures on Tuesday; you can see a couple in this post. Thank you, Nathan!
Don’t be “caw-tious” about it- have a great week!
Miss Tara
Get in on the fun! Join us for these fun upcoming Wonder Bugs sessions:
Tuesday, April 10 & Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Registration Deadline: Friday, April 6, 2012
Oceans may be far from land-locked Wisconsin, but the wonders are ever so close. Splash into a fascinating, briny world. You’ll sea and learn amazing things!
Tuesday, April 24 & Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Registration Deadline: Friday, April 20, 2012
...Hidden ginger. Come scavenge for signs of spring that are sure to be pushing up all over! Explore new games and songs. You’ll burst with bliss!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
In honor of Arbor Day we will reach for new heights. Come get up close and personal with trees. Stories and games will branch out your knowledge, and at the end of the day you’ll be asking for more!